Hendryx Lives! 40 years of wandering produces the best music since Oasis in EXCLUSIVE Interview & First Song Preview, USA Election Prediction, Halloween Sans Razor Blades, Better Axe Me Again, Do Androids Dream of Electric Dolphins? The Fastest Man on the Beach, Best War Movie Since Zero Dark 30, Let Me Get This Orphan Off My Chess, Virgil Abloh is Back…on MY back, Why Keith Raniere Has More Morals than Jack Dorsey, The Biden Crime Family Secrets, & How to Beat The Blues with Alcohol and Lots of It!

Episode XXXII Drops Like A Hunter Biden Blackmail Bomb:

Martin Luther King screams “Free At Last” because the Dark Overlord of Victoria has let us out of prison after ~120 days of lock up. Speaking of long roads,  almost 40 years of hither and dither the long journey comes good for singer-songwriter MARK HENDRYX who dazzles us with his first solo studio album in an AMAZING exclusive interview that reveals that life is what happens to you when you try and make plans.  Plus EXCLUSIVE first listen of the single ONE DAY from the upcoming album that will make you forget about the Gallagher brothers ever getting back together.   Final USA Election Preview is going to be a LAWN-SLIDE.  What’s the worst thing that can happen to you TRICK OR TREATING on HALLOWEEN?  The new Supreme of the Supreme Court.   There’s nothing sexier than a game of CHESS, especially when you’re playing against an alluring ex-orphan who pops pills in a mother-daughter act.   I am still crying from the BEST WAR MOVIE I’ve seen since Zero Dark 30, and I even forgive the author of the source material for working for a #fakeNewsNest… because his book and this movie is SO GOOD!  Why I smell like a BLACK ORCHID when I walk on the beach.  Vale Keyboard Whiz Dan ‘The Man’ Magoun.  New ARMED DWARF honours in the best rock and roll book collection ever.  Why living for free on Walt Disney’s tab at the RITZ CARLTON BUCKHEAD in the 80’s was amongst the best 6 month of my life.  I honoured Virgil Abloh in an earlier Ep and now he’s back on MY back with my big ‘out of lockdown’ purchase.  Why President Abe Lincoln’s experiment with Rohypnol in 1861 was an epic fail.

#AnyaTaylor-Joy  #MarielleHeller  #BillCamp #ScottFrank #TheQueensGambit #TheOutpost #RodLurie #JakeTapper #CNN #OrlandoBloom #ScottEastwood #EricJohnson #PatriotsDay #TheFighter #MarkWahlberg #ChristianBale #PaulTamasy #Roxee #Harrods #TomFord #BlackOrchid #VirgilAbhol #offWhite #BlueCuracao #BidenCrimeFamily