‘Twas the fortnight before Xmas and all through the house, the Hanukkah bush went up with the Jewish spouse….Counting Votes the Right Way, “Free at Last” Tassie Salmon go full Martin Luther King, Hollywood Obituary (sequel), Hollywood Con Queen Nabbed, No Free Shit from Pocohontas & Sleepy Joe, Crazie Mazie Hirono & Silly Sarah Palin get together

XXXVIII?  Unreal!  Hanukkah is in full lighty light swing and Christmas is nearly upon us!   This relatively snappy brief ep compared to the two Bonus eps the last two weeks will zing past and refresh you like a cold shower on a hot day, or a hot shower on a cold day…whatever.   We travel to the oceans to find that the deranged Left’s Crazy Maizie Hirono is actually moving together with the wacky GOP’s Silly Sarah Palin in a rare show of bipartisanship. My Hollywood Con QueenTrilogy comes to a close as the FBI finally did something of merit and arrested him/her!  Whodathunk???  We’re off to Hollywood for the obituary (again) of an industry and almost closed once and could again, but mebbe not in what could be a blessing in disguise, and truly a disguise we’ll never unravel again.  That fake Indian Pocohantas (Elizabeth Warren) is pushing Joe Biden to forgive ALL USA STUDENT DEBT/LOANS but that shit’s not going to fly and I explain why with the skills of uber-pundit Jeff Jacoby of Pocohantas’ backyard tabloid the Boston Globe.  Forget the US Election until January, and no—it’s not President Elect Joe Biden just yet.  Unless you’re one of the worthless Mainstream Media Hacks.  It could be… it probably will be… But it’s not just yet so hold onto your seat.  Martin Luther King said it best…”free at last, free at last”, and a million fish in Tasmania have run faster than you would if you knew Martin Bryant had been released for a press junket on the upcoming film about him we flagged last episode.  And to accompany this mass exodus, Steve ‘Hillfish’ Hillage comes back from the psychedelic 70’s and 80’s to play The Salmon Song in an ode to freedom, and a herald of one of the greatest guitarists to walk this planet (and largely (sic) unsung).   Plus all your faves but bake-free and fashion-free this week only as we prepare for the holidaze.

#JeffJacoby #bostonGlobe #BrooksBarnes #HuonFisheries #SalmonEscape #MLK #Pocohantas #ElizabethWarren #SteveHillage #VirginRecords #MaizieHirono #SarahPalin #SleepyJoe #Christmas #hanukkah #Chanukkah #Gong #BombaloniYoni #HollywoodConQueen


Can you believe it’s Episode 38 XXXVIII?  Unreal!  Hanukkah is in full lighty light swing and Christmas is nearly upon us!   This relatively snappy brief ep compared to the two Bonus Tracks the last two weeks will zing past and refresh you like a cold shower on a hot day, or a hot shower on a cold day…whatever.   We travel to the oceans to find that the deranged Left’s Crazy Maizie Hirono is actually moving together with the wacky GOP’s Silly Sarah Palin in a rare show of bipartisanship.  We’re off to Hollywood for the obituary (again) of an industry and almost closed once and could again, but mebbe not in what could be a blessing in disguise, and truly a disguise we’ll never unravel again.  Forget the US Election until January, and no—it’s not President Elect Joe Biden just yet.  Unless you’re one of the worthless Mainstream Media Hacks.  It could be… it probably will be… But it’s not just yet so hold onto your seat.  Martin Luther King said it best…”free at last, free at last”, and a million fish in Tasmania have run faster than you would if you knew Martin Bryant had been released for a press junket on the upcoming film about him we flagged last episode.  And to accompany this mass exodus, Steve ‘Hillfish’ Hillage comes back from the psychedelic 70’s and 80’s to play The Salmon Song in an ode to freedom, and a herald of one of the greatest guitarists to walk this planet (and largely (sic) unsung).   Plus all your faves but bake-free and fashion-free this week only as we prepare for the holidaze.