Monthly Archives: December 2020

Welcome to the Penultimate Episode…Christmas Bonus Extravaganza! Exclusive Australian legend Tony Bonner interview “From Skippy to Shakespeare, to Hell and Back”, How Snorting A Llama Can Cure Covid-19 WuFlu, 100 Good Reasons to Bomb China, CATS RULE!!!: Apex Feline Cat takes out the Gold at International Dog Show, Why Most Other Podcasts Generally Suck, I Present the Hottest Chick in Town, Fashion Passion Competition, The Best 23 Countries in the World + the rest

Yep, it’s true.  Like The Sopranos, Friends, Deadwood and all the good shit, THE WAY IT IS is about to be Gone Baby Gone.  This is the Penultimate Ep 40…and next week’s is all she wrote.  Dark Forces have descended upon us, and I can neither confirm nor deny the rumours.  But there’s no crying in baseball or podcasting!  So I’m cheering you up with a bonus 30 minutes of ‘strewth and consequences with Aussie mench, legend, actor, writer, director and coach TONY BONNER.   We go to the zoo to get up close and personal with the Ultimate Llama (not the Dalai Lama) to cure WuFlu.  Smash some guitars with us for the world record.  Drink often, and heavily because it’s the holiday season.  Guess which designers your podcaster is wearing and win prizes to test your 40 episode knowledge!

#NIH #ScienceDaily #MUSE #ThomasEsparza #DavidBrodyMD #NINDS #JupiterConjunctSaturn #StarOfBethleham #BidenCrimeFamily #PardonMe #WilsonCarParks #BackofHandFrontOfHand #Kahlua #WyborowaVodka

Yes, the United States Congress can agree on things: F**K CHINA!, Why Spiders in Space are more logical and less error-prone than Women in Space, How Frank Lowy and a guard rail at the Grampians are connected, the Hot Clobber is Back just in time for the Holidays, From Darkness to Dawn: Preview of Aussie writing/directing/acting Legend Tony Bonner Xmas interview, Why “THE WAY IT IS” is a 2020 thing…

Everything is just fine with Episode XXXIV (39) as we head (gasp) into the home stretch of THE WAY IT IS.   Yes, it’s a ‘2020 thing’ and you’ll learn more about that soon.  Who says the US political system is broken?  Well, everyone, and I can tell you that.  However, a BIG win that the moronic Main Stream Media never covered and never will.  They’re too busy influencing elections.  And of course…the problem is China and big businesses profiting from slave labour.  2020 has been a death knell for many things and many people, but it’s also been a rebirth of sorts for other industries. How your downtown / CBD will change forever.  Spiders are pretty smart…space is very treacherous….why spiders function better in space than female astronauts or physicists.  Jewish businessman/philanthropist/pioneer/Billionaire Frank Lowy spent almost 80 years searching for his father after he disappeared in the Nazi occupation of Hungary.  His search in late life and battle to save his ailing wife shows money can’t buy everything, and the beauty and terror are chronicled in a wondrous documentary.  Speaking of loss…when you’re hiking in the Grampians in Victoria, it’s important to read the signs on the guardrails.  God can be very unforgiving at timesWYPIW is back and my shoes are going to the America’s Cup once again.  Now that Hanukkah (Channukah) has concluded,  I preview next week’s mega Christmas Special Podcast with a wonderful Tony Bonner interview, as he talks about beating the devils and always going towards the light.

#jeffjacoby #nadialeeCohen #paulaCushing #UniversityofBasel #scienceDaily #scienceBitches #USAelections #UnitedStatesCongress #UigherMuslims #ChinaSlavery #spiders #FrankLowy #westfield #tonyBonner #Christmas #hanukkah #CatherineWheel #AlexanderMcqueen #Prada #AmericasCup

‘Twas the fortnight before Xmas and all through the house, the Hanukkah bush went up with the Jewish spouse….Counting Votes the Right Way, “Free at Last” Tassie Salmon go full Martin Luther King, Hollywood Obituary (sequel), Hollywood Con Queen Nabbed, No Free Shit from Pocohontas & Sleepy Joe, Crazie Mazie Hirono & Silly Sarah Palin get together

XXXVIII?  Unreal!  Hanukkah is in full lighty light swing and Christmas is nearly upon us!   This relatively snappy brief ep compared to the two Bonus eps the last two weeks will zing past and refresh you like a cold shower on a hot day, or a hot shower on a cold day…whatever.   We travel to the oceans to find that the deranged Left’s Crazy Maizie Hirono is actually moving together with the wacky GOP’s Silly Sarah Palin in a rare show of bipartisanship. My Hollywood Con QueenTrilogy comes to a close as the FBI finally did something of merit and arrested him/her!  Whodathunk???  We’re off to Hollywood for the obituary (again) of an industry and almost closed once and could again, but mebbe not in what could be a blessing in disguise, and truly a disguise we’ll never unravel again.  That fake Indian Pocohantas (Elizabeth Warren) is pushing Joe Biden to forgive ALL USA STUDENT DEBT/LOANS but that shit’s not going to fly and I explain why with the skills of uber-pundit Jeff Jacoby of Pocohantas’ backyard tabloid the Boston Globe.  Forget the US Election until January, and no—it’s not President Elect Joe Biden just yet.  Unless you’re one of the worthless Mainstream Media Hacks.  It could be… it probably will be… But it’s not just yet so hold onto your seat.  Martin Luther King said it best…”free at last, free at last”, and a million fish in Tasmania have run faster than you would if you knew Martin Bryant had been released for a press junket on the upcoming film about him we flagged last episode.  And to accompany this mass exodus, Steve ‘Hillfish’ Hillage comes back from the psychedelic 70’s and 80’s to play The Salmon Song in an ode to freedom, and a herald of one of the greatest guitarists to walk this planet (and largely (sic) unsung).   Plus all your faves but bake-free and fashion-free this week only as we prepare for the holidaze.

#JeffJacoby #bostonGlobe #BrooksBarnes #HuonFisheries #SalmonEscape #MLK #Pocohantas #ElizabethWarren #SteveHillage #VirginRecords #MaizieHirono #SarahPalin #SleepyJoe #Christmas #hanukkah #Chanukkah #Gong #BombaloniYoni #HollywoodConQueen


Can you believe it’s Episode 38 XXXVIII?  Unreal!  Hanukkah is in full lighty light swing and Christmas is nearly upon us!   This relatively snappy brief ep compared to the two Bonus Tracks the last two weeks will zing past and refresh you like a cold shower on a hot day, or a hot shower on a cold day…whatever.   We travel to the oceans to find that the deranged Left’s Crazy Maizie Hirono is actually moving together with the wacky GOP’s Silly Sarah Palin in a rare show of bipartisanship.  We’re off to Hollywood for the obituary (again) of an industry and almost closed once and could again, but mebbe not in what could be a blessing in disguise, and truly a disguise we’ll never unravel again.  Forget the US Election until January, and no—it’s not President Elect Joe Biden just yet.  Unless you’re one of the worthless Mainstream Media Hacks.  It could be… it probably will be… But it’s not just yet so hold onto your seat.  Martin Luther King said it best…”free at last, free at last”, and a million fish in Tasmania have run faster than you would if you knew Martin Bryant had been released for a press junket on the upcoming film about him we flagged last episode.  And to accompany this mass exodus, Steve ‘Hillfish’ Hillage comes back from the psychedelic 70’s and 80’s to play The Salmon Song in an ode to freedom, and a herald of one of the greatest guitarists to walk this planet (and largely (sic) unsung).   Plus all your faves but bake-free and fashion-free this week only as we prepare for the holidaze.


“C’mon man!” We’re still counting in the USA, Your First Job is Your Most Defining Job (time travel with me to Sioux City, Iowa in 1967), The Martin Bryant Film Is Not Making People Happy (and should we care?), Never Trust a Rumanian or Communist China, the FBI listens to this Podcast and the Hollywood Con Queen gets nabbed as a result! Why You Shouldn’t Read Peter Carey or the NY Slimes, How Melbourne Forgot How to Drive, Sarai in paradiso con l’episodio trentasette, the new WuFlu that’s Fashion Hotness for you, I Discovered A Sweet & Tasty Reason for You To Grab Your Passport and Go To Spotswood…

You’ll be in Heaven with Episode XXXVII (Sarai in paradiso con l’episodio trentasette)!   We’d have something definitive about the US Election but like in Rumania, “vee are shtill vating for da count’.   You know Mars is taking over when profound enmity and patience go head-to-head with a lunar and solar eclipse in the same month.  Space-time continuum quark physics time travel is my thing, like all creatives, and we go linear back to Sportsman’s Camera in Sioux City, Iowa circa 1967 where my creative career began part-time after Junior High School, and I explain why today’s Snowflakes never had a proper job to jumpstart their lives and proper pronouns.  Science Bitches! (R) goes to Rumania and Utah.  I’m not sure there’s a difference—to find the 2001 Monolith.  It’s a Tale of Two Cities and Tale of Two Directors as MANK and HILLBILLY ELEGY go head to head.  The WuFlu may have blew through here but there’s a new Twin Towers WuFlu Fashion Dynasty straight outta Oz, and I’m onto it.  It’s Bake Time again but we didn’t do it at home… we went to (gasp!) Spotswood and there’s a bunch of reasons to grab your passport and fill up the tank and drive there. #jackieKeast #WuFlu #Incu #AnthonyLaPaglia #EssieDavid #JustinKurzel #ShaunGrant #ScottJohnson #THR #VARIETY #OwenGleiberman #RonHoward #DavidFincher #Mank #GaryOldman #HillbillyElegy #JDVance #Chanel #Zimmermann #VivienneWestwood #JacqueMarieMage #OPSF #AllegroBrighton